Registered Moodle sites
Registered Moodle sites
Some of the growing community of Moodle users are listed below.
To add or update your site, just use the "Registration" button on your Moodle admin page.
(Note: we check these sites regularly and remove unreachable or invalid sites)
There are 147710 currently active sites that have registered from 237 countries.
105509 of these have requested privacy and are not shown in the lists below.
Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czechia Côte d'Ivoire Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) Korea (the Republic of) Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Moldova (the Republic of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue North Macedonia Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine, State of Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Réunion Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania, the United Republic of Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (U.S.) Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Åland Islands
Switzerland 1532 sites total (1217 are private and are not shown)
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Pôle Autisme formation
- 360° PAIN ACADEMY - Die Nr. 1 für Schmerzkonzepte im Fitness!
- 3w-fahrschule
- abono
- AcadeMe
- Academic Gateway
- Accademia di Medicina d'Urgenza Ticinese (AMUT/FCTSA)
- Adéléa Academy Learning System
- adminesg23
- Aduna Learn
- Ailokis Academy
- ALSIT iPlattform
- Andres Moodle site
- Apprendre, c'est Super palta !
- Apprentissages Sans frontières
- APV Formation
- Arlesheim Academy
- Atelier Lez'Arts
- We Love LMS
- Baugewerbliche Berufschule Zürich
- BBS e-Learing
- BBZ Herisau Lernplattform
- Bénédict - Schule St. Gallen - Sprachen, Handel, Kader, Medizin, Gesundheit, Informatik
- Berufs- und Weiterbildungszentrum Rorschach-Rheintal
- BetterStudy
- BewusstGesund
- BFH Moodle
- BGS online-Lernplattform
- Bible College St. Gallen
- Bildungszentrum für Technik Frauenfeld / Bildungszentrum Arbon
- BWZ Rappi Lernplattform
- BWZT Lernplattform
- BZBS Lernplattform
- BZGS Lernplattform Grundbildung
- BZGS Lernplattform Weiterbildung
- BZWU Campus
- BZZ Moodle
- Campus Ifage
- CAPI Moodle
- Carrosserie formation Neuchâtel
- Carrosserie suisse - Ticino
- Céline Renaud
- CESUIS-Invicem Campus
- Chinese Minded
- Chiway Academy e-Learning Platform
- Collège Romand | Espace d'apprentissage
- Corsi ECAP Ticino UNIA
- Cours de cafetier en ligne
- Cours de Reiki à la carte
- Cours et examens ASVAPE
- Courses
- CreativeStudio
- Cultivate SA
- deCivitate - Piattaforma per la formazione
- delight learning
- Digital HR Training
- Digital Learning
- DIP-Moodle
- DIP-Moodle La plate-forme d'enseignement et d'apprentissage du DIP - Genève
- Domino's LMS
- dynactic Academy
- e-Gesfor Moodle
- e-Lab
- e-Learning
- E-Learning by Ihr Job Coach
- e-learning Scuola nautica Mike
- E-Learning Verein Naturwerk
- e-learning, formation en ligne, cours en ligne
- Ecole de formation de base sapeurs-pompiers
- École instrument de paix
- Ecole Professionnelle de Naturopathie MTE
- Ecole Romande de Réflexothérapie
- Edmund Rice International Courses
- Ehevorbereitung online
- Elaearning Kreisschule Regio Laufenburg
- eLearning Portal Arbeitssicherheit Schweiz
- Elektro-Bildungs-Zentrum EBZ
- ElektroPower GmbH
- elettronicamente
- EMS Coaching
- ESASO Education
- Espace de ressources
- Eureka Academy
- Fachschule Mobilität
- Fastlearning
- FC Ambulances HJU
- FFHS ALMoo - adaptive eLearning Plattform der Fernfachhochschule Schweiz
- FFHS Moodle - eLearning Plattform der Fernfachhochschule Schweiz
- FOAD des Sapeurs-Pompiers Volontaires de la Ville de Genève
- FOAD Samaritains Genève (SamGE)
- Force Triangle
- Formacomsuisse Sàrl
- FormaProj Academy
- Formation - SSS-Nord Vaudois
- Formation en Santé Maternelle et Néonatale - Promotion de la Santé
- Formation en Santé Maternelle et Néonatale - Promotion de la Santé
- Formation interprètes judiciaires Suisse
- Formation PRO - Patricia Alais
- Formations de Lüthert Conseil
- Formations et Coaching
- Formations NBS
- Formazione di BIMticino
- Friportail Content
- GC Training Hub
- Georg Maissen
- Glenfis
- Global Initiative Academy
- Goetheanum - Section for Inclusive Social Development
- Goodflight
- Graduate Applications International Network
- Gymnase Bienne Jura bernois
- Gymnase de Beaulieu
- Gymnase de Nyon
- Gymnases online
- hepGesellschaft
- Her Islamic Finance Academy
- Hotel & Gastro formation SG AR AI FL
- Human2Divine
- I-learning Etat du Valais
- ICT-Berufsbildung
- Ideen online: Konf & mehr!
- Iguaco
- ILT Schule (Amateurfunk)
- Institut Optimum - Formations au Management Durable
- Institut Romand de Formation en Assurance e-learning platform
- Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances
- ISC / Learn
- ISO Learning
- KantiMoodle
- Katrin Burkhalter
- kbw
- Kindafunlearning
- Kompetenzzentrum für Informatik und Recht
- L'École Yemanja SA
- Language Learning Practice with Adrian
- Latein NDvA
- Leadership_intentionnel
- learning
- Learning at Webschool
- LearnTools
- Lernbegleitung der SWS Schule für Wirtschaft und Sprachen Winterthur
- Lernchips GmbH
- Lerneffekt_Online
- Lernen Digital - FMZ
- Lernen Digital (EDUTECSOL)
- lernLAB DenkwerkSchule
- Lernplattform accumpa
- Lernplattform Kantonsspital Winterthur
- Lernplattform KV Business School Zürich
- Lernplattform ZbW | Zentrum für berufliche Weiterbildung
- Lernplatz
- Lernzentrum Turner VLE
- LGHcampus
- LI-Learning
- Licit-Moodle
- Liip Moodle Training Plattform
- Live Lucidity
- LMS - Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz
- LMS Afoditech
- los e-learning & moodle
- Lycées et centre professionnels neuchâtelois
- Lycées et centre professionnels neuchâtelois
- mandana
- Marcel Weber
- Marcos Charalambous
- Mastertrial Academy
- Mein DasScrumTeam
- Mexxco's Site
- Moo Et col et pic
- Moodle
- Moodle
- Moodle
- Moodle
- Moodle - Université de Fribourg/Universität Freiburg
- Moodle | Healthspot
- Moodle | Musikschule Appenzeller Mittelland
- Moodle | Schweizerische Text Akademie
- Moodle | WHM FMF Stiftung zur Förderung der Weiterbildung in Hausarztmedizin / WHM FMF Fondation pour la Promotion de la Formation en Médecine de Famille / Fondazione per la Promozione della Formazione in Medicina di Famiglia
- Moodle Ackermann School Consulting GmbH
- Moodle Ackermann School Consulting GmbH
- Moodle BZU-Plattform
- Moodle CCS-LJ
- Moodle Centre Evolution
- Moodle CVMA - Ecole de naturopathie
- Moodle de D. Dorsaz
- Moodle de la Division Technique du CEJEF
- Moodle EB Zürich
- Moodle ECCG Sierre
- Moodle ES Trois-Sapins Echallens
- Moodle FHNW
- Moodle für den Strickhof
- Moodle Future Perfect
- Moodle Geering Medien & Bildung
- Moodle HES-SO
- Moodle HES-SO
- Moodle HES-SO
- Moodle Hosting Support Beratung Schulungen Workshops Entwicklung Themes
- Moodle
- Moodle Kanti Wil
- Moodle Kantonsschule Wiedikon
- Moodle Lernplattform Kantonsschule am Brühl St. Gallen
- Moodle Lernpro
- Moodle MSE
- Moodle of ETHZ
- Moodle of Vox Institute
- Moodle OMR
- Moodle Pasahome
- Moodle Physik sbr
- Moodle Schule Bubendorf
- Moodle Schulzimmer Rüttimann
- Moodle Stanzwerk AG
- Moodle UNIL
- Moodle ZHAW
- MoodleMoot 2016
- Moodleneu EB Zürich
- MSW Online-Kurse
- Multistudy
- My new Moodle site
- My new Moodle site
- My new Moodle site
- myCampus
- NeoSana
- Next Generation Flight Training
- Next Generation Flight Training - ATO
- Numerique HES-SO
- Oehninger's Cooperation Center
- Oh Yes, Languages and more
- OmnesPRO - Moodle
- Online Robotics
- OTP - Your Swiss Partner for Change
- Piattaforma didattica - Prospettive Cii
- Pituka
- Pituka
- Préparation à l'accouchement et aux urgences
- PrimeTeach Smartacademy
- ProBasket Lernplatform
- Quizzify
- RAUM DES LEBENS - Lernplattform
- RC Formation Sàrl
- RCST Rockfield College of Sciences and Technology - Switzerland
- RealWear Partners training
- Rechte Maustaste
- Rudolf Steiner Schule Kreuzlingen | Moodle
- Serveur Moodle de l'Université de Neuchâtel
- SFB - Höhere Fachschule für Technologie und Management
- SFUVET Moodle
- Site d'apprentissage
- Solostudio Solutions
- Sport-Gymnasium Davos Lernplattform Moodle
- STFW e-learning Prod Infrastruktur
- Students-Coaching GmbH
- Successlife - Bilan personnel
- Sustainability Management School - eLearning platform
- Swiss Adaptive Judo
- Swiss Online School
- SwissComply Online Schulungen
- SwissReiki
- Swissshooting Lernplattform
- Syndrega GmbH Moodle
- tajloro Deutschkurse
- Talent Factory
- TalentSchule.Surselva
- Tchili Easy Learning
- TemperTeen - Bilan d'orientation
- test
- The Horse concept
- The Library for a Happy Future
- Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona
- Tilo Formazione
- Tout le potentiel du Reiki
- Training and Assessment
- Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (TRREE)
- Training TCS
- UNCTAD e-learning on trade and gender
- UNCTAD Paragraph 166 Course
- United Nations Human Rights - OHCHR
- UPG Learning Portal
- VSE AES Campus
- Weiterbildung im Asyl- und Migrationsbereich
- WSB Academy
- Your site
- ZEBS e-Learning
- Zwm's virtueller Lern-Campus
- المجلس العربي